Balega International is partnering with New England-area run specialty retailer, Marathon Sports, to support essential workers in New England area food banks amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Balega and Marathon Sports will donate and distribute a total of 1000 pairs of socks to the New Hampshire Food Bank, The Greater Boston Food Bank and the Connecticut Food Bank in appreciation of the critical work their employees and volunteers are doing.

The Balega community has always been driven by kindness and compassion and views Ubuntu – the Zulu word for “shared humanity” or “I am because we are” – as a calling. During this challenging time, Balega looks to continue to share that message as it is now more important than ever. The sock donation to the New England-area food banks is made possible by the Lesedi Project, Balega’s non-profit organization and give-back initiative to strengthen South African and American communities.

“One of Balega’s founding principles has always been about caring for the community. We want to say thank you and show our appreciation of the important work these food bank employees and volunteers are doing in their respective communities during this extremely challenging time,” says Tanya Pictor, VP of Balega Marketing. “We are always looking for ways to spread the message of ‘shared humanity’ and to inspire others to do the same.”

“Marathon Sports is centered in community, and we have been since our inception more than 40 years ago,” adds Colin Peddie, president of Marathon Sports. “Our local communities have been impacted and it’s apparent that so many people are in need beyond the frontline workers and those who are ill. We are humbled by and grateful for the numerous volunteers who devote their time every day to making sure that our community doesn’t go hungry.”


To learn more about the food banks and find out how to help, visit the Ways To Give webpages of the Connecticut Food Bank, the Greater Boston Food Bank and the New Hampshire Food Bank.

For more information about Balega’s Lesedi project and other give-back initiatives, visit